The “Augusto Murri Clinical Medicine Department” (Headed by P. Portincasa) includes several outpatient clinics (Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Cardiology, Endocrinology, Rare and Metabolic Diseases) and conducts various clinical and molecular research protocols.
The clinic collaborates with different healthcare professionals, including doctors, researchers, PhD candidates, residents, nurses, and students, with extensive international cooperation.
Our clinical and research expertise encompasses epidemiological studies, questionnaires, development of healthy foods, post-COVID-19 syndrome, food perception tests, digestion and gastrointestinal motility studies, functional physiopathological studies of the gut-liver axis through ultrasonography and breath tests, analysis of metabolic disorders, liver diseases (steatosis), rare diseases, and gender medicine.
If you experience persistent post-COVID symptoms or any metabolic disorders (obesity, diabetes, fatty liver, gastrointestinal disorders, etc.), you can contact us at the following contact information:
TEL: +39-080-5592731
Piero Portincasa, MD, PhD, AGAF, Internist, dr. h.c.
Professor of Internal Medicine
Clinica Medica “A. Murri”
Dipartimento di Medicina di Precisone e Rigenerativa e Area Ionica (DiMePre-J)
Università degli Studi di Bari “Aldo Moro”
Ospedale Consorziale-Universitario Azienda Policlinico
Piazza Giulio Cesare 11, 70124 Bari
Eurofever Research group has partnerships with CMU, mediterranean countries (Lebanon, Israel) and Armenia, searching for similarities and differences in MEFV variants and phenotypes, in relation to geography, culture, lifestyles, etc..
The Eurofever research group for the realization and development of the project has collaborated with some important international Universities:
Rammal Rammal Laboratory, Faculty of Science
Al-hadath Campus, Beirut-Lebanon
Faculty of public health
Lab for Medical Immunology
Dept. of Internal Medicine and Health Sciences
Ghent, Belgium
Arabkir JMC, National Pediatric Center for FMF
Yerevan - Armenia
Familial Mediterranean fever (FMF), a genetic disease with autosomal recessive transmission, has an estimated prevalence of 1-5/10,000 in populations living in the Mediterranean basin.
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